The Lamplighters Afterschool Literacy Program is a ministry of Spruce Pine United Methodist Church and its community partners that seeks the well-being of children and their families in heart, body, mind, and spirit by helping them to grow as readers, to experience Christian love, and to be encouraged towards a more hopeful future. Lamplighters operates three afternoons a week during the school year, and serves 20 local 1st and 2nd graders from Greenlee Elementary School who are behind their grade-level peers in literacy. Children who participate in Lamplighters receive a daily snack, get exercise through indoor or outdoor play, practice reading with a volunteer reading buddy, work with our reading coordinator to grow in specific literacy skills, and share in enrichment activities consisting of crafts, music, or creative centers. Beyond our weekly program times, we also offer occasional meals for Lamplighter families and volunteers to provide needed food and to build community.
Would you like to learn more about Lamplighters, or perhaps be willing to serve as a Reading Buddy? Contact our church office at 828-765-7446 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..