Congregation Leadership

Lay Leadership


Spruce Pine UMC, like all United Methodist Churches, has a "democratic" leadership structure in which many different people help to make decisions and to guide the church forward.  Most important decisionsare made by the Church Council. The Church Council is led by the Council Chair and the congregation's Lay Leader, and is composed of the chairpersons of the various ministry teams and committees of the church.  By working together in this way, we live out Scripture's image of the church as the body of Christ, in which every person has a gift to offer and a role to play (I Corinthians 12).

Four ministry teams help to plan the church's ministries and report to the Church Council:

  • The Worship Team: which orders the worshipping life of the congregation
  • The Fellowship Team: which helps us to welcome new people, to get to know each other better, and to care for one another
  • The Nurture Team: which oversees the educational ministries of the church, including Bible Studies, Sunday School, and the teaching of our children and youth
  • The Missions Team: which helps us to serve our community and world in the name of Christ

In addition to these four ministry teams, the church also has five administrative committees that help to keep the church running smoothly. 

  • The Staff-Parish Relations Committee: which oversees our pastor and staff
  • The Finance Committee: which monitors the church's finances and budget
  • The Board of Trustees: who take care of the building and grounds
  • The Parsonage Committee: which takes care of the pastor's church-owned home
  • The Lay Leadership Committee: who nominates people for positions of leadership

All of these teams and committees work together to help the congregation fulfill its mission of following Jesus, making disciples of Christ, and transforming the world

Would you like to learn more, or to offer your gifts and talents through one of these teams or committees?  Please contact our pastor or the church office.


Office Manager: Tim Drum

Organist: Kathy Miller

Music Director: Kathey Hollifield

Hostess and Custodian: Sharon Drum

Worship Technician: Bruce Ikard

Lamplighters Program Assistant: Niki Jones

Lamplighters Program Coordinator: Sharon Anderson

Lamplighters Reading Coordinator: Kathey Hollifield

Children's Ministry Coordinator: Ginny Downs

Nursery Coordinator: Skylar Stewart

Pastor: Rev. Holly Cobb McKim

Spruce Pine United Methodist Church
11090 Hwy 226 South
Spruce Pine, NC 28777

Phone: (828) 765-7446