Jesus told his disciples, "Let the little children come to me." On another occasion Jesus said that children have much to teach us about how to enter the Kingdom of God. In that spirit, we at SPUMC are always grateful to have children worship with us. Parents, please don't worry about your kids being a distraction in worship: the sounds children make are music in our (and God's) ears.
Our Sunday morning 11am worship service includes children's activity bags, a children's message, a children's change offering, and a nursery for infants and smaller kids that we call "The Garden." Whenever possible, we also try to incorporate our children and teenagers into the leadership of the service.
On Sunday night all teenagers and all school age kids are invited to join us for our Summit (6th-12th grades) & Hilltoppers (K-5th grade) programs. Summit & Hilltoppers are a cooperative effort between SPUMC and the other United Methodist congregations in our area. Each Sunday we meet all together in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30pm to enjoy a free meal provided by one of the churches, and then we share in a time of fun, fellowship, and faith until 7:30pm.
Because our children's program is growing, we are always looking at creative and fun ways to reach and teach our kids about God's amazing love for everyone. We have several Sunday School classes for kids, and their parents and grandparents!
Would you like to learn more about youth and children at SPUMC? Please contact our church office at 828-765-7446 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today!.