Welcome to the Spruce Pine United Methodist Church. We are a Lighthouse Congregation!
The mission of Spruce Pine United Methodist Church is to be a Beacon on the Hill for Spruce Pine, Mitchell County, and the world. We are thankful you are visiting us in this way, and hope that you will come and visit us in person to see what we are really about.

The folks here at Spruce Pine UMC are a people who have been embraced by the grace of God in Jesus the Christ. Through Christ our lives have been changed by the God who made us for a purpose, who loved us long before we ever knew it, who has forgiven us for our sins, who has overcome death with abundant life, who is re-making us as a people of faith, hope, love, peace, and joy, and who is mending our broken world through broken people such as us. In short, we believe that Jesus saves, and that we best experience that salvation together.

We invite you to join us on that journey. If you do, you’ll find a people who worship together, who grow together, who serve together, who laugh together, who love God and neighbor together: and who will love you together.